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Join Us
Become A Sister of the Precious Blood
As a community dedicated to the Blood of Christ, we recognize the preciousness of life, the need for reconciliation in our world, and the needs of the poor and those in the margins. We respond to these needs and try to be a life-giving, reconciling presence. Since our charism calls us to live a spirituality, not a particular ministry, we are able to be a reconciling presence as educators, social workers, advocates, health care workers, pastoral ministers and volunteers.

Who can become a Sister?
Women ages 18-50
Women must show maturity & be able to serve in full time ministry for a significant period of time.
Women in good physical, emotional & spiritual health
We are looking for woman who can actively serve others, participate in community life, and maintain their job responsibilities.
Women who can speak English & are open to living in the United States.
Our community is based in the US and therefore women must be willing to live in the US and speak English.
Women who are inspired by the Eucharist to bring reconciliation & healing to our world.
A devotion to the Eucharist and desire to serve others is at the core of our Precious Blood Spirituality.
Discerning Life as a Sister?
Still Interested?
For those that are ready to take the next step, sign up to be mailed an Inquirer's packet! The packet includes a detailed overview of the formation process, prayer card, inquirer's form and more.
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